


Covers coatings and how to choose them, protective treatments vs. finishes, best practices for protecting wood in situ, and maintenance cycles

Adidas North American Headquarters / LEVER 架构师ure / photo Jeremy Bittermann

The rising use of mass timber underscores the need to protect wood before, 在, 且施工后不受潮, 处理, 紫外线, 人类接触和清洁产品造成的磨损,以及其他任何可能影响成品项目理想美学的东西. This article focuses on strategies and best practices for utilizing waterborne, 环保的建筑饰面,在运输过程中保护大量木材材料, 存储, 安装, 及以后.


When owners choose mass timber for their 建设 project, 他们正在对木材进行大量投资. 项目团队必须尽其所能保护投资, 并确保木材在离开制造商的生产设施的那一天看起来和使用起来一样好.

适当的涂层系统——最好应用于工厂设置的受控环境中——可以保护木材免受制造过程中可能遇到的无数危害, 航运, 和建筑. 尽管尽了最大努力, 从天气延误到劳资纠纷,各种因素都可能打乱施工进度, 保护木材是最重要的, 无论在什么过程中.

保护性底漆还可以帮助避免由于潮湿损坏或染色而对木材构件进行昂贵的维修, 哪些是由铁引起的.e. metal dotting on the wood due to welding, hammering, 等.), lifting systems, or exposure to 建设 debris. 如果修复的部分看起来与其他部分不同,那么在现场修复木材可能会特别成问题, requiring entire sections to be reworked for even a small blemish. However, with properly applied protection, wood can be more easily repaired.

一旦构造,  木材必须承受一系列的风化因素和可能的生物和物理降解. 这些因素可以由涂料专家评估,他们可以设计一个定制的系统来保护木材, 确保建筑在一段时间内性能良好, reduces time-consuming and costly maintenance for the owner, 并且允许大量木结构作为皇冠2登录welcome和住宅使用木材的美丽和寿命的证明. 饰面也可以通过突出木材的自然特性来增强建筑师的设计, 半透明的, 不透明的, 甚至是风化的色调.


When determining the appropriate coating and maintenance interval, it’s important to look at the wood species/substrate and its expected exposure. The majority of mass timber is utilized on the interior of structures; however, 可能有外部暴露, 典型的形式是拱腹和横梁. 基于这些考虑, 涂料专业人员将评估风化和生物/物理因素(如紫外线暴露)的影响, 湿度, 暴露在交通/人类接触或污染物中, 温度范围.


  • History of success with mass timber wood protection
  • 可定制的颜色选项
  • 饰面性能
  • 环境绩效
  • 穿透木材的能力
  • 超低VOC特性
  • 易于维护

保护性治疗vs. 完成

建筑工地泥泞不堪, 脏, 潮湿的环境, 和建筑 projects are fraught with the potential for delays. 正因为如此, 处理木材元件从工厂到安装,而不暴露在天气和储存期间的潜在损坏几乎是不可能的, 处理, 和建筑.

最好的做法是穿刺术, 在工厂里进行透气保护处理——这是大量木材制造商越来越多地做的事情. There are many advantages to factory-applied protection. 在出厂设置中, 衬底可以在精确的条件下使用, 比如照明, 粉尘暴露, 温度控制(最佳59-74°F), 湿度(40 - 60%), and adequate product application at the correct thickness.

在木件的所有六个面(包括最重要的末端纹路)涂上保护性底漆,有助于限制吸湿,并最大限度地提高面漆的性能. When applied according to manufacturer specifications, 这些渗透, tintable and recoatable coatings help minimize discoloration issues 在 pre-建设, 建设, 和安装. 它们还有助于更好的稳定性(减少膨胀和检查)的木材成分和提高面漆性能.

保护性底漆处理只是全面涂装系统的第一步. 随后的穿透层, waterborne finish will provide additional water and UV protection, creating durability and bringing out the beauty of the wood. They also protect the inside of the wood by allowing it to “breathe,” helping to prevent moisture from getting trapped in the wood and causing rot or 模具. 应用随后的透气和水性面漆增加了另一层保护,更完整的完成,不会开裂, 皮, or blister—and extends the maintenance cycle of the finish.

阿迪达斯总部的设计师想要一个低挥发性有机化合物, environmentally-friendly coating that would still be high performing. 制造商在木材元件的表面和边缘涂上了一层透明的保护底漆,以防止风化, 防潮, 并防止吸水和染色. 末粒得到两层涂层, 而暴露在外的脸则涂上了一层防紫外线的涂层.

LEVER 架构师ure / KPFF / Turner Construction Company / photo Jeremy Bittermann


It is recommended that 建设 teams develop a moisture management plan, 以及大量的木材处理, 存储, 及安装方案, 尽量减少变色, 模具, and UV degradation on the surface of wood elements, which can pose problems for aesthetics and subsequent topcoats.

简而言之, 结构面板, columns and beams should be stored and handled with the same care as millwork material. 最好的存储计划是通过协调制造商和承包商之间的交付,以配合安装时间表,从而最大限度地减少存储. 如果必须储存大量木材, 尽量减少施工现场的库存, 在安装(i)时使用应有的谨慎原则.e., 不要拖拽木材, 这会磨损表面), 并注意不要损坏产品包装.

大量木材应储存在有遮盖的地方. 这是不可能的, 一个铺, 水平存储区域,允许木材储存在人行道将保持一个干燥的环境,并允许水迅速蒸发. 它也建议使用包装策略,促进空气流动,尽量减少冷凝. It is not uncommon to see packaging tears and water pooling, 哪些会导致与水分有关的问题, including 模具 and water line markings on the substrate.

Developing a plan for moisture management 在 the building phase is also recommended. 这包括在施工期间去除木材上过多的水分,以帮助最大限度地减少变色和性能问题.


不变, 亲水木质涂料不需要大量的维护,除非在施工过程中损坏. But when mass timber extends to the exterior of a building in the form of soffits or beams, an inspection and maintenance plan should be put in place to evaluate the wood annually. Maintenance is required when the surface shows signs of wear, 衰落, 损坏或侵蚀(过度检查), 等.), and should be undertaken before the condition worsens. 影响维修周期的因素包括:

  • Quality of prior wood surface preparations as outlined by the manufacturer
  • Selection of stain product for the intended end-use and wood species
  • 表面颜色和透明度
  • 涂装质量
  • 涂层的时间表
  • 先前应用的涂层数量
  • Compatibility of existing coating with the chemistry of a new finish (e.g., it is important to choose a product that penetrates and protects, 但如果选择不同的制造商/产品进行后续维护,也可以与任何其他涂层兼容)
  • 暴露在紫外线和湿气下
  • Structural design features that minimize exposure to the elements (e.g.、悬垂、滴边、端盖等.)

Penetration and breathability of coatings play a critical role in defining their durability. 木材的变质和风化可以通过适当配方的涂料来显著减缓陡峭的水分梯度(例如.e., by essentially slowing the rate of moisture intake and evaporation).

基于上述所有原因,最有价值的建议是:“不要在涂层上妥协.“它可以在运输和就地保护大量木材,同时保持木材健康,最大限度地减少建筑工地暴露的影响, 风化, 施工后与人接触.


Sansin – Offers a wide variety of environmentally friendly, 高性能水性涂料产品的配方可以最大限度地减少水分和紫外线对木材基材和饰面的影响,并在颜色和最终饰面方面满足建筑规范的期望美学

芝麻小事. (2021). U.S. 大型木结构施工手册. 第4章-水分控制.

芝麻小事. (2022). 大型木材安装工培训课程. 模块8 -材料保护. 模块10 -维修、饰面和成品.